Chapter 653 Fucking Awesome:>>Ep47
- She fortunately took the reassurance from my eyes that I had not trusted my clumsy, treacherous mouth to provide. "But I swear, the moment I sent that text, guessing that you had actually been with a girl, the thought popped into my head, 'Huh. Al is a person who could get laid. That might be good to know.' But even then I still did nothing."
- "And then, when the three of use were walking back after that first practice, when we, um, worked out what might be behind your success? Yeah, I'm telling you right now, I realized that I suddenly wanted very much to have you, even before that conversation broke up." Okay, that surprised me. I'd have liked to have known that.
- "But we all traded glances while you were looking confused about fucking dick size for God's sake," she grumbled, "and I thought we three girls were all on the same page. Fooling around with you would be a party foul. We were a group of friends. It would get weird. And you needed to go on with girls who were not so... close to you as us."